Dianne Gates Looking for the real news? Maybe you are already a fan of this wonderful, inspiration
D Dawson As a young man over 50 years ago, I was in court waiting for my case to come up and witne
Alexander (Sandy) Milne I respond to the attacks on myself and Mayor Victor Luca by J Beattie in th
Before many of us went off on holiday at the end of 2024 the pages of the Beacon of Friday, December
Back in the hippie days we had this saying: Reality is the ultimate bummer. Well, for a while lately
J Beattie Does Sandy Milne talk to the mayor before firing off letters on his behalf, because for V
Sheila Russell I am extremely disturbed to find yet another section of our hospital is being whittl
Tiena Jordan Former archivist, Whakatāne Museum I have just read in the Beacon an article about Sul
D Dawson In reply to Alistair Anderson’s opinion, “The Treaty vs the Treaty Principles Bill,”, (Bea
Suzanne Williams I am returned from Christmas celebrations and absence from Whakatāne to find that
Semi-retiree John Malcolm, who holds an emeritus paediatrician position at Whakatāne Hospital as a r
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Ken Ingram The continual and increasing lawlessness by some must not be allowed to continue. We ha
Paul Jamieson I would like to respond to Sandy Milne’s letter in Wednesday’s Beacon, Apathy is the
Alexander (Sandy) Milne I add to my concerns in Wednesday’s Beacon regarding the real threat of the
N Izett It is more than a year since my last letter on this subject and still nothing appears to ha
Margaret Slade I am a frequent user of our library. In about August last year, the book shelving wa
Chris Bullen Here’s hoping people are a little kinder to each other in 2025, and go at least some w
Alexander (Sandy) Milne I am girding my loins in preparation for a role in removing any threat to o
Sandy and friends My older friends and I were saddened to see the name Graham Bell in your December
D Dawson While travelling home from Waiotahe at 9.50am on Boxing Day, I came across the most appall
Mike Stuart I'm expressing my appreciation and gratitude for the efforts of two Ōpōtiki individuals
Alistair Anderson The Treaty/Tiriti of Waitangi is the founding document of New Zealand society. I
Pat Doran Why would the council put a disabled car park in a parallel position? Usually the disabl
Rona Wilding The downgrading of the obstetric services offered at the obstetric unit Whakatāne Hosp