Earth Art Landscaping

31a Pyne Street, Whakatāne 3120

From start to finish, we take care of every element of your home’s landscaping.
So all you need to think about is where to put the bird bath.

For help with everything from lawn maintenance to landscape design and construction, talk to us today.


We start with an on-site visit, and figure out the project scope together. We’ll talk about your likes and dislikes, potential issues, a wish-list, and references of landscape design you like – all giving us a solid starting point.

Then it’s time to collate your wish list, building plans and site info and pull together a first draft design, which we’ll share with you to make sure we’re heading in the right direction. After a couple of edits, to tweak any aspects you may want changed, the design should be pretty much finalised. The rendered 3D images giving you a photo-real picture of what the finished space will look like.

Once the landscape design is approved, we can discuss materials and construction methods, then pull together a quote, keeping your budget and your vision in mind. We can either price the whole job, or break it down into smaller sections of work that we can complete as and when your budget allows.

Then it’s time to kick into the build. We have multi-skilled contracting teams on hand, which means we’re a one-stop-shop, saving you having to deal with multiple contractors. We also project manage all our work – keeping you informed, and keeping things on track and on budget.

Our soft-scaping team source and install the plants and trees as well as any irrigation requirements to complete the landscaping. All you have to do then is enjoy your outstanding new outdoor space.

If needed, we can chat about a landscaping maintenance package, to help make sure things stay in tip-top shape.