Musicians fundraise for brain cancer surgery

Alisha McLennan

Whakatāne musicians are gathering to fundraise for the family of one of their own tonight.

Ōhope local and musician Marty Barlow has been supporting his partner, Susan Nelson, and her daughter, Amelia Branson, who is receiving treatment for an aggressive, cancerous meningioma.

Whakatāne Sound Project, with owner Anthony Clyde, have pledged to donate to the cause, as well as pass on any koha given at the Open Mic, being held at the studio, at 31 McAlister Street.

“Marty’s been an important part of the music community since the early days, and it’s really awesome we can come around and support him in a difficult situation,” Mr Clyde said.

“We’re honoured that we can help in this way.”

The open mic will feature local musicians and artists sharing acoustic songs, poetry and electronic tracks.

A koha will be collected at the door, and all proceeds will be donated to Miss Branson’s GoFundMe.

Miss Branson, 27, is a Canadian-born Kiwi. She attended school and high school in Rotorua and obtained a degree in marketing from Waikato University shortly before she was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive Grade 3 meningioma brain tumour three years ago.

Because the meningioma is located so close to an important vein at the back of her head, it has been unsafe to remove it completely.

They found the tumour was “on the move” again just before Christmas last year.

“More often than not it’s benign. But this one is dangerous and aggressive, so she’s been unlucky on multiple counts,” Mr Barlow said.

TREATMENT: Amelia Branson has already undergone multiple surgeries. Photo supplied

So far, the rare cancer has been treated by multiple surgeries, radiation and a targeted radiation treatment called Gamma Knife. The family has turned to the University of San Franscisco for the most up-to-date surgery available to treat the recent growth.

The next surgery is expected to cost the family $550,000 and they have set up a GoFundMe page with a goal of up to $133,000 NZD to assist with these costs.

Mr Barlow said the response to the fundraising so far had been overwhelming.

“Two farmers, who are friends of Amelia's boyfriend, Mackenzie Lunt, have donated some of the proceeds from a calf auction,” he said.

A charity Jingo will be held at Mata Brewery on Saturday March 1 for the same cause, with tickets $20 per head. Tickets for singles, doubles and tables of up to six are available.

A Motorbike Ride fundraiser is planned for February 22 in association with the Ulysses Motorcycle Club.

Bikers will meet at Colombus Coffee at the hup and leave at 9am for the Car and Motorcycle Show and Swapmeet in Paeroa Domain. There will be an opportunity to koha for the cause.

BRAIN SURGERY FUNDRAISER: Whakatāne musicians are gathering tonight to fundraise towards brain surgery Amelia Branson, pictured with partner MacKenzie Lunt, Photo supplied 

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