Letter: Giving balance

News Editor

D Dawson

In reply to Dave Stewart’s letter (February 2), who thanked me and let our a sigh of relief.

Firstly, my letter was heavily edited by the Beacon.

I believe because they do not always believe in freedom of speech when someone disagrees with a Labour left or Green Party view of politics.

By letter was about giving balance and freedom of speech to a lefty view. Being wealthy and sorts and retired, your words not mine, does not mean you are being paid to annoy councillors that did not support Jacinda Ardern and her government.

I believe the right people to manage our district council should be approachable, open, honest, successful, intelligent and work together.

If a councillor wants to push his political agenda on ratepayers, he or she should run for Parliament instead of the Whakatāne District Council.

D Dawson

Editor note: The Beacon supports freedom of speech but does reserve the right to edit letters, primarily for clarity and potential defamation.

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