John Beattie’s attacks on Mayor Victor Luca and myself (Beacon letters, January 15 and February 5) are off-the-wall and demonstrate to us all that he is out of touch with recent happenings in Whakatāne.
Where has John been for the last 6-weeks? He could not have been reading the Beacon or Mayor Luca's internet blogs or media releases, or listening to national radio interviews with Dr Luca; for example the one on the obstetrics problem which was broadcast at 7.50am last Tuesday.
Before he submits any more Beacon letters, Mr Beattie should, in fairness to Dr Luca, take time to read Beacon archives from the time Dr Luca became a councillor (October 2019), plus some of his recent blogs covering health issues and other local matters.
He will find that Dr Luca has opposed every excessive rates rise and foolish spend-up for years, beginning with the kiddies pool fiasco, the Civic Centre upgrade con, and the unexploded land-mine of the Whakatane River bridge marina/boat harbour.
As president of Grey Power, Dr Luca has been very active in advocating for residents who are elderly or on low fixed incomes.
He has also been multi-tasking since he became mayor, working behind the scenes on many issues, especially healthcare and housing.
I know this because I am a retired lab scientist, still active in healthcare issues and I consult him regularly because of his expertise.
I also suggest that Mr Beattie reads Diane McCarthy's February 7 Beacon article headlined, "Health conference aimed at lighting a fire", which gave a brief outline of the important and novel virtual meeting to be held in Whakatāne, beginning at 8am on Wednesday, February 26, with our mayor as both chairman and presenter.
Folk can also attend in person at the council chambers and ask questions during the round-table section.
Dr Luca conceived and organised this event, which will be hosted by Whakatāne District Council at "cuppa tea" cost.
Eastern Bay residents can follow the live-streamed event by using their browser and navigating to the council’s YouTube channel.
In his February 5 letter, Mr Beattie trashes that milestone initiative as a, "pointy headed talkfest"
If readers consult a dictionary, they will see that expression is an ultimate insult to a health worker, scientist or any leader in her/his field.
For example, describes pointy headed as "stupid, idiotic, especially in a self-important or impractical way".
The speakers are highly-educated university professors and front line workers and have all been active in highlighting or fixing serious faults in our health system. The economics professor who will speak is well-respected and famous.
I am one of the "pointy heads" who will give a presentation at the conference because of my past record of heading great lab teams in Whakatāne, which led the way in controlling a dangerous virus in New Zealand, the Pacific and in Vietnam. I was for many years a New Zealand Ministry of Health and World Health Organisation adviser and I have been credited with having saved thousands of lives. Not bad for a “pointy head”.
I wish that Dr Luca had a team even half as good as mine were, but he does not.
Alexander (Sandy) Milne,
Alexander (Sandy) Milne