Carol Camburn
It was interesting to read the article entiteld “Explore during Bike Month”, which appeared recently in the Beacon.
I’m sure the event will be well patronised ad enjoyed by many participants.
The event sounds very well organised and many new friendships will be formed, no doubt.
However, it was very disappointing to see the “community safety adviser” Richard Hamer riding his bicycle on a footpath.
I am not a cyclist but I am an avid walker. My enjoyment of walking has been somewhat spoilt by the number of cyclists using footpaths and walkways and not using a warning bell when following closely behind me.
I have had several friends who have been hit by bicycles and have received injuries.
This problem is definitely increasing as road traffic is getting heavier.
Just a simple loud warning such as a bell or a voice would be helpful and easy.
The same could be applied to mobility scooters.
Editor note: Richard Hamer was briefly riding on the footpath at the request of our photographer to obtain a preview photograph for Bike Month. But as you rightly point out, this should have been on the road.