Sven Carlsson
THE art of managing risks in share farming will be the topic of a gathering being held at the Awakeri Events Centre next week.
Bay of Plenty Focus on Dairying spokeswoman Linda Virbickas said Federated Farmers had been invited to present their seminar on the topic on Thursday, February 13, from 9.30am to 11.30am.
“This has been held in other places around New Zealand and it has been very well received,” she said.
“It will be an informative day for both owners, sharefarmers and those contemplating share farming, examining the highs and lows, benefits and risks.”
Federated Farmers is inviting new and existing contract milkers, share milkers and farm owners to attend.
“Learn how to navigate business and individual risks for both share farmers and farm owners,” the invitation says.
“Our industry experts will guide you through contractual changes, farm assessments, and how to build and maintain strong, enduring working relationships.”
At the presentation, Federated Farmers will talk about how to make calculated decisions about contracts while DairyNZ will cover Dairybase and business planning calculators.
FMG will discuss life, health and contractual insurances.
Those interested in attending can RSVP by email to [email protected], although drop-ins on the day are also welcome.