Gladys celebrates 104 years

GOLDEN YEARS: Mal Evetts, Gladys Brooks, Tim Watson and Michaela Wellauer. The family celebrates Mrs Brooks’ 104<sup>th</sup> birthday at Golden Pond. Photo Troy Baker E5217-11

News Editor

Gladys Marjorie Brooks celebrated her 104th birthday at Golden Pond Lifecare in Whakatāne this week, surrounded by friends and family.

The celebration took place on Wednesday afternoon at the Golden Pond studio, which had been decorated with balloons, with an array of snacks provided for party goers.

A band played classic country ballads from 2pm until 3pm.

Mrs Brooks was joined by her son-in-law Mal Evetts, a grandson’s partner Michaela Wellauer, and her grandson Tim Watson.

Mrs Brooks, nee Cox, was born on January 29, 1921, at Merriwa in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales.

Her parents owned a dairy farm at Gungal NSW, and she grew up with her five sisters and two brothers.

She left school at 14 years old to work as a domestic servant.

She married Edward Gardner in 1941, and together they had two daughters – Nooneen and Pauline (Paula) Gardner.

Pauline went on to marry Mr Evetts.

Mrs Brooks worked on several dairy farms in the Hunter Valley area, but after some years the family moved to Boolaroo, Newcastle.

There, she worked for many years in the canteen at the Boolaroo Sulphide Plant.

Her husband died in August 1967.

She remarried in 1972, wedding Alton Brooks for 14 years until his death in 1986.

Mrs Brooks has nine grandchildren, and many great and great, great grandchildren.

She moved to Edgecumbe in 2014 with her daughter, Pauline, and Mr Evetts.

She joined the Golden Pond family in July 2023, and Golden Pond activities coordinator Alicia Maledon said she had been a special presence there since.

“She’s doing amazing; we’re so lucky to have you,” she told Mrs Brooks during a toast.

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