Letter: Let's work together


Dave Stewart

I’ve read a few letters recently from people opposing Councillor Nandor Tanczos for showing some leadership and initiative in organising a march to oppose the downgrading of our hospital.

The main critics of course are big fans of the current mayor and have been running a tag-team fan club for the incumbent via the letter’s column for more than a year now but seem put out that anyone else might have some fresh ideas.

Partisan politics achieves very little in my view and we all need to unite around this issue and stop slinging mud at each other. The issue isn’t about Nandor or Victor, it’s about the chronic underfunding of health services in Aotearoa to the extent where our obstetrics unit is now critically affected and lives are now at risk.

Everyone needs to put the axe grinding away and work together to stop this happening.
I will be joining the councillor and the hundreds upon hundreds of other good citizens of Whakatane and our neighbouring towns to send a very sharp and clear message to Wellington that this is not acceptable and anyone who tries to fudge that message with petty politics is working for the bad guys.

It's time to stand up to Wellington as one voice and that time is now.

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