Murray’s back on track

RACING RUSH: Samuel Murray is looking forward to the upcoming stock car racing season starting next week. Photo Troy Baker E5014-12

Alisha McLennan

SAMUEL Murray is back and ready to race in the upcoming stock car season.

He is entering his third stock car season in Huntly at the opening meeting on November 2.

Last season, he collected a series of placings, including second in the mainland teams at the Christchurch meet, third in the Bay of Plenty races, first at the Rotorua championships, and fourth at Stratford.

Off the back of a spectacular first half of the last racing season, before getting “knocked out” of the races following a crash and recovery, he is ready to take the next step in his racing career.

His goal this season is to get a number on his car to qualify for the New Zealand championships.

“We’ll be traveling all around the North Island for racing. I’m going to take it easy in the start of this season, and do no team races until halfway through,” he said.

With a Falcon inline-6 engine, his car has 40 more horsepower than last season, and reportedly shoots flames.

Murray has been racing stock cars since he was 11, competing in the mini stocks for six years.

Despite the cost, he said continuing his races was worth it.

“I don’t mind the cost when I’m winning. I’ve won more trophies in my last two seasons than I did in six years of mini stocks,” he said.

He inspired his sister to try her hand at stock car racing, and although she had to take early retirement as a driver, she continues to lend her expertise as Murray’s crew chief.

“I think the worst job is sitting and watching,” Murray said. “When I was watching my little sister race, I had to go sit in the truck. But when you hop in the car, it’s a completely different feeling.

“It’s the thrill of it really; you’re in your own zone and there’s nothing else.”

Murray is grateful to all his sponsors.

“I wouldn’t be able to do this without them. And to my Mum, who sorts out all our food for every race, and Dad who spends his days off working in the car, and my sister, my girlfriend, my Nana and Koro for all their support

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