Letter: Investigation times


K Ingram

WHY is it that in New Zealand, any national or local investigations take such an inordinate period to produce results, many of which are obfuscated or downright misleading.  Is this a product of dishonesty or merely incompetence?  

A case in point is the toppling of the power transmission pylon. Such an investigation should have taken less than four hours and those responsible named.  

Same applies to Cook Strait ferry mishaps. It would appear no one is chastised or even held responsible.  

Accidents are not random, and cause should be ascertained, and the public should be informed without delay along with any remedial factors.  

Failure to do this, gives rise to the allegations of butt covering and incompetence of those responsible for this sphere of activity.  

I would suggest it is well past time to smarten up and hold those responsible to be made own their shortcomings.

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