Book library


RETIRED author Barry Rosenberg is looking for an old fridge – working or not – that he can convert into a streetside free book library for the Ōhope community.

The bigger the fridge, the more books it will be able to accommodate so the greater the variety of reading material.

Mr Rosenberg said: “The world may be in utter chaos, but there is nothing to calm the mind and please the soul as a good book.

“And by ‘book’ I mean the kind made from trees, bound together by tarantula venom and frequently marked with coffee stains, smeared jam and the occasional snottily penned comment by a disgruntled previous reader.

“By coincidence, I just happen to have a few of these well-thumbed items on my shelves in place of the standard gigantic tv and hi-tech gadgetry which serve only to further raise the blood pressure of my fellow community residents.

“Thus, the search for a fridge, which not only will contain the books for your free removal and enjoyment but keep out paper-munching rodents and Jafa silverfish seeking upmarket domicile on Pohutukawa Avenue.”

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