Letter: Back your nurses


from Lindsay Perham

I WAS in Tauranga Hospital recently after a major operation.

When I woke up in ICU, I was shocked to see our frontline nurses run off their feet to the point of exhaustion.

I asked every nurse who tended me what they needed. Their answer was exactly the same, “more staff and fair pay”. Notice they put staff first and pay second.

This shows their dedication, compassion and care for their patients.

If you want to know why our nurses are going overseas, check out the pay rates Australia’s hiring our nurses at (anything up to $100 per hour for our most qualified).

Our nurses need your help right now. To support them, send emails to Shane Reti, Te Whatu Ora, Chris Luxton and Nickki Willis. Email your local MP as well, demanding action now.

This situation is unfair, a disgrace and just plain wrong.

Ms Willis, if these increases are not in your budget, either borrow the money or add a 2 percent tax increase on large companies and corporations.

The Government works for all of us, not the other way round. Show them we mean business.

Our nurses need your help, not in a week or a month, but right now – across the country.

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