Letter: Week of woes


from Suzanne Williams

WOULD anyone like to hear about my week just past?  No?  Pity, stop reading.

Saturday:  My four-year-old Smart TV, which had been playing up for several months, finally died. Went to the retailer I’d bought it from, who said that I can’t expect it to last any longer, and if it was fixable, it would cost more to diagnose and fix than to buy a new one – ho hum.

Sunday:  Tried to phone my IT-expert son for further info and found that the 10-year-old cellphone would not charge.

Monday: Back to the retailer; they said that to buy a new battery would cost more than a new phone.

Wednesday:  While trying to use the two-year-old laptop to watch TV, tried to send an email and found that the letters were translating as figures on the script. Non-plussed again, phoned the usually useful son on the landline, who although trying to help on Team-viewer was equally non-plussed.

Thursday: Back to retailer, who wordlessly investigated for a half-hour, then told me that the wrong key had been pressed, and no, the laptop was not too old.

On the way home, visited Pak’N Save and went home minus my wallet.

Friday: Dropped my fruit and cereal breakfast upside down on my bedroom carpet. Phoned Pak’N Save, who said that my wallet had been handed in by the trolley boy – oh, thank you, thank you – and went to pick it up, entirely intact. Gave trolley boy my thanks and a small gratuity.

Questions to be considered:

  1. Am I in such a woeful state that I need to head to the nearest village or rest home?
  2. Is the world in such a state that we need to renounce all technology, and get back to basics?

(Saturday: News:  The whole world of business is paralysed for some reason).

However:  the bell-bird is singing outside my window – and there is my nice trolley boy – there is still so much good in the world.

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